Durga Puja Theme: When it comes to innovation there are a few Puja pandals who dares to catch the Chaltabagan Durga Puja Committee. When everybody else is looking around the world for new ideas for Durga Puja themes, Chaltabagan located in Lohapatti(Metal alley), manicktala, looked at their own backyard. They created the whole pandal interior and exterior with showpiece made out of sheets of metallic net used for cleaning grains etc create a unbelievable ambience. One more thing worth mentioning here is the led lighting on hollow metallic spares and other shapes. It was the most copied lighting effect copied extensively by other in following years.
No of Years completed in 2008: 66.
Club Address: 77, RajaRamMohan Roy Sarani, Kolkata.
Contact Mobile: 9830054501.
Website: www.manicktallachaltabaganlohapattydurgapuja.com/
Club's Official Email Id: chaltabagandurgapuja@gmail.com
Contact Person for Advertisements: Sri Ashok Jaiswal/Sri Rajesh Kumar Jaiswal.
Contact Mobile for Advertisements: 9830054501/9836690678.
Durga Puja Location: Lohapatti near Maniktala.
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