Durga Puja Theme: Shibmandir is very famous for their themes. This Year they decided to KALA GACHER ER KALA DEKHABO, i.e. Showcasing the artistic form of banana tree. In Bengal there is a tradition of drifting on water on a bhela(the banana tree skin). Behula carried her snake-bitten husband, Lakhinder on a bhela. Even today some festivals are held on bhela like the Bera festival and the Sounder festival. It is on this bhela that hundreds of thousands of Aiyala victims tried to reach safer places. So Shibmandir zeroed on bhela as their theme for this year. The banana tree is common in rural Bengal. Every part of it has it uses. This year theme was UTSABER BHELA. This year they user dried banana leaves, fruit, skin, fibre and stem to render numerous structures at their pandal. The golden look of the entire pandal was mesmerizing. The theme based idol was adding glory to the already amazing ambience.
Theme Artist: Subrata Banerjee.
Idol Artist: Siddhartha Pal.
Illumination Design: Ashok Pramanick.
No of Years completed in 2009: 73.
Club Address: 25, Lake Temple Road, Kolkata, West Bengal, India - 700029.
Contact Phone: 03324656749.
Contact Mobile: 9038181868.
Website: www.shibmandir.com
Club's Official Email Id: shibmandir1936@gmail.com
Twitter Channel: www.twitter.com/SHIBMANDIR
Contact Person for Advertisements: Sri Partho Ghosh.
Contact Phone for Advertisements: 03324656749.
Contact Mobile for Advertisements: 9038181868.
Contact Email for Advertisements: gooltee@gmail.com
Durga Puja Location: Rabindra Sarobar.
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